Animal Lick

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Unlike artificially made licks, these Himalayan salt licks offer numerous health advantages to animals. These are as pure as was the ocean 250million years ago. These wonderful licks have undergone through a longest natural manufacturing process spanning 250 million years. During this process, nature had added 84 precious minerals and trace elements in the right proportion, at right time and under right temperature and pressure.

This natural process started when primal ocean got dried up by the sun energy leaving behind the largest bed. With the passage of time, this seabed gets covered up by trillions of tons of rocks and earth and went completely hidden and unapproachable by living creature on the planet in that region. The site where all this happened is known as Himalayan foothills nowadays.

It was only in 326 BC when  Alexander the great in his quest to conquer the world passed through this valley. He along with his soldiers and horses camped in this beautiful valley.One of his soldiers suddenly noticed that horses instead of grazing grass, licking the rocks and this is how they discovered these Himalayan crystal salt  deposits

These Himalayan crystal salt licks are more than a salt, rather these are complete health supplement  both for human and other living creature including those of animals, horses, cows, buffaloes, cattle, sheep, camels & Pet animals licking salt

Salt deficiencies is more troublesome in cattle, as they always need salt every day for: (Na) osmotic pressure maintenance, acid-base balance, body-fluid balance, nerve transmission and active transport of amino acids, as well as cellular uptake of glucose carrier protein, and Na, as a part of salt, is a major cation of extracellular fluid and provides the majority of alkaline reserve in plasma. Chlorine is necessary for activation of amylase, formation of gastric HCl acid, and is involved in respiration and regulation of blood pH. Deficiency of salt include muscle cramps, rough coat, decreased feed intake, licking and chewing various objects, as well as decreased production. Dairy cows get hit the hardest first with salt deficiency and may collapse and die if they have been salt deficient for a long period of time.

We select the food grade rocks of salt crystal to craft these natural licks. These rocks are hard and an animal cant bite the chunk off as compared to artificially made licks…These are weather resistant. Licks are made in different weights and provided with a handy rope for easy hanging on fences and branches of trees in the pasture. Himalayan Rock Salt Licks are literally ‘rock hard’, which means that animals are unable to bite chunks off, a problem that can occur with the softer ‘pressed’ salt licks. The licks are also much more weather-resistant and can be hung up in the field for animals to ‘self-dose’, exactly as nature intended.

These crystal salt licks are cheap, purest, unpolluted and without any chemical additive, absolutely organic and pristine as was the primal ocean 250 millions years ago. Let your animal live the natural way, do not offer them the chemically made licks but the ancient Himalayan crystal salt them as they deserve.Start feeding them these natural salt licks direct from Himalayan salt mines and notice the changes in their growth and performances. Do not get enticed by the big companies luring advertisements with tall claims, its only a gimmick to sell their products without actually delivery any good to your animals except those of harmful chemical additives


Raw Blocks: 5, 10, 20, 30, 50 Kg… can also be crafted up to +200 Kg

  Size: 1, 2, 3, 5, 10…. Kg licks OR as per demand

Shape: round, square block OR as per demand

 Colors: pink, Red and white salt

Packing: shrink wrapping on each salt lick, 4 ply inner, and 7 ply master cartoons

 Also available in Fancy, plain brown and custom Print Packaging


4 thoughts on “Animal Lick

  1. I’m Mrs. Thuy, Vice Director of Biovet Production Co., Ltd and I;m interested in your salt blocks for livestock consumption. Please send me more info on your prices, specifications, if possible give an offer for a 20-foot container for the salt licks for cows in term of CIF Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam).
    My contact numbers are: +84 0909227002 and email:

  2. I am interested in your salt blocks for livestock consumption (cattle). Please send me more info on your prices, specifications, if possible give a pro firma invoice for a 20-foot container ONLY on the salt licks for cows.
    My contact numbers are: +231886440364 and email:

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